New Worship Policy – Beginning August 8, 2021
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Abiding Presence Lutheran Church has followed all restrictions, guidelines, and recommendations by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and the office of Gov. Roy Cooper. In keeping with the new guidance issued on July 27, 2021, the following policies apply at Abiding Presence, effective Sunday, August 8, 2021.
- Abiding Presence will continue to offer a single worship service at 9:30 am that will offer a blend of traditional and contemporary music. This service will continue to be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Worship attendance limits have been lifted, andadvanced signup is not required.
- Because of the rapid spread of the delta variant in our community, face masks are now required for all people in our building regardless of vaccination status. The only exceptions are the fully vaccinated individuals actively leading worship on microphone andchildren under 2 years of age.
- Congregational singing will continue to be allowed in worship behind masks.
- Half of the sanctuary will continue to be set aside for socially distant seating for anyone preferring more space in worship. Please reserve hugs and handshakes during the passing of the peace for those within your household and wave to or fist bump with others.
- Communion will be served as a part of worship (using wafers and trays of individual cups filled with wine or grape juice). All worshippers will be asked to sanitize their hands before coming to communion, to maintain social distancing between family groups, and to only briefly lift face masks in order to consume the bread and wine. All communion servers will all be masked.
- The pastor will be masked at all times when in close proximity to others and will greet the congregation with fist and elbow bumps after worship.
- All indoor activities with food or beverage have been discontinued including the coffee hour after worship.
- As always, if you are feeling unwell or showing symptoms of COVID-19 infection, please stay home and worship with us on Facebook or YouTube.