Main Text: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 (Exodus 34:29-35; Luke 9:28-43a)

We often call this Sunday the Lord’s Transfiguration, for the disciples were able to witness the Glory of God in the face of Jesus. Yet even more than the Lord’s Transfiguration, this Sunday we are invited to be transfigured ourselves. In the old covenant, Moses had to wear a veil because the people could not stand to see the difference between who they were and who Moses showed them they could be. How often do we do the same? We have also been known to veil our faith behind our desire to fit in and conform to the world. We cover the glory of the Lord within us out of the same fear that caused Moses to cover his face. Jesus on the mountain is joined by Elijah and Moses. This means that not only is the law giver present, put also the prophet who called the people to live the spirit of the law. Moses and Elijah’s presence meant that Jesus was the fulfillment of the law in word and deed. As we enter the Lenten journey, we are invited to see the glory of the Lord with unveiled faces. When we do, we will see the reflection of Jesus in our own lives. When we turn to the Lord, the veil is removed, and we are transfigured. Come before the Lord with boldness and may we truly find our strength in the joy of the Lord!